For Siemens Canada, sustainability means acting in the best interest of coming generations – with respect to the economy, the environment and society.
In 2016, Siemens has again been recognized as one of the most sustainable companies in its industry. In this year’s Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), Siemens ranks among the leaders in the Industry group “Industrial Conglomerates”, which comprises more than 40 companies.  The DJSI takes into account environmental and social factors as well as economic criteria.

As part of our green initiatives, we are pleased to be partnering with Bullfrog Power to provide clean electricity.  Bullfrog Power, Canada’s leading green energy provider, is providing clean, renewable electricity for the Siemens Canadian headquarters in Oakville, Ontario and the Trench Limited offices in Pickering, Ontario. Through the agreement, Bullfrog Power’s generators put 100 percent green electricity onto the grid to match the amount of electricity used at the Siemens headquarters in Oakville and its offices at the Pickering manufacturing facility for Trench Limited, a Siemens company. Bullfrog’s green electricity comes exclusively from wind and hydro facilities that have been certified as low impact by Environment Canada under its EcoLogo™ program. Siemens Canada’s headquarters has also been certified Gold LEED standard for core and shell by the Canadian Green Building Council. This certification reflects Siemens Canada’s commitment to reduction in our environmental footprint and to provide a safe, healthy, and environmentally-friendly place for our employees to work.

Furthermore, Siemens Canada employees take part in green activities around Earth Day, April 22. These include tree planting and local clean ups. Siemens Canada partners with Tree Canada, a non-profit organization with the goal of engaging corporations and individuals in the pursuit of a greener and healthier living environment. In 2015, employees dedicated 600 volunteer hours to plant 1,575 trees in 14 communities across the country. These trees have collectively reduced Siemens carbon footprint by more than 12 tonnes in a one-year period.

Siemens’ energy-efficient solutions and environmental technologies also help our customers to reduce their environmental footprint and combat climate change.  

For more information on TCA Member Company green initiatives please visit:


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