Preventing Migratory Bird Deaths

An important environmental issue with respect to construction that does not attract a lot of notoriety is that of bird-friendly construction bylaws. An advocacy group called FLAP (Fatal Light Awareness Program) claims that in North America, a staggering ONE BILLION birds die each year from crashing into high-rise buildings. The group claims that an estimated 10 birds die per building per year; and with 950,000 registered buildings in the City of Toronto, there is the potential for those buildings to annually cause the death of over nine million birds. The problem with the buildings is glass reflection. Birds are unable to perceive images reflected in glass as reflections. Birds will fly into windows thinking that it is the sky, or a tree. FLAP estimates that at least one million birds die each year in Toronto alone, from window collisions. The Bird Friendly Guidelines in Toronto’s Green Standard outlines all of the rules that developers must meet to prevent the death of ...