#TCAGreenAmbassador officially launches in time for Earth Week / Earth Day!

Today is Earth day...what are you doing for our earth? This is not a question we should ask once a year for Earth day. This is a question we should be asking every day. As caretakers of this earth, we need to leave it a better place for our children especially through our work. What is your company doing in 2016 for a sustainable Ontario? Other TCA members would like to know! TCA's Environmental Committee has launched a "TCA Green Ambassador Program" where we will be showcasing (online) TCA members that are enjoying success and helping the environment at the same time. There many companies within our ranks that are using efficient, effective, and green products, operations, and practices that benefit their customers and the earth. Please share your company’s best green initiative whether it is an internal practice, a product you sell, or simply the way you do business. We will publishing stories online on our committee page - this months pr...